Message #59

Date: Dec 01 1999 16:14:39 EST
Subject: Re: Fly Baby vs. Volksplane

I sent a note direct to Mike on his choice, but I'll make my 2 cents worth 
public since someone asked.  I have a FlyBaby (A65) and my neighbor two 
houses down has a VP II.  He flies my FlyBaby regularly and he hates to admit 
it but prefers how my plane flies overall to his.  Since he put an A65 on his 
VP, the performance is very close.  I outclimb him but he keeps up in cruise.

The VP is diffinitely easier to build, and you can see this in the final 
product.  IN MY OPINION, the classic lines of the FlyBaby are much nicer 
looking.  From seeing my neighbors troubles with his VW engine, I personally 
would have trouble putting one of those on my airplane, although I am sure 
there are many in the field giving good service.

Well that's this FlyBaby owner's opinion.  Mark Goldberg Austin TX