Message #748

Date: Dec 11 2000 04:48:29 EST
From: "David Green" <>
Subject: Timber Grain

Fellow Fly Babers,
At the risk of sounding ignorant, pedantic, or both............regarding the grain orientation of the spruce in the fuselage sides. Does it matter which side of the spruce, eg radial or tangential, is built to the fuse skin? I've seen it both ways, but I can't find any written material on it.  ( I should mention, this is my first homebuilt ) Also, regarding the 3/4 x 1/2" diagonals in the rear half of the fuselage sides - does the radial grain HAVE to be on the 3/4 side. I've read that the radial grain should be on the largest face. If this is purely for stability, does that matter when it will be 'super gusseted' with 1/8 ply? Any suggestions?
David G.
Gippsland Ultralight & Leisure Flyers